Over the years I have identified 28 mistakes that the majority of people working out make at some point in their journey. Instead of listing all of those I decided to be cliche and create my top eight mistakes list.

1. Only focusing on cardio/aerobic activity. Too much aerobic activity can actually lead to muscle loss and lowering of ones metabolism. Be sure to include resistance training as well.

2. Poor form and tempo. Control the weight for a full one one thousand two one thousand on the way up and the way down. No momentum or herky jerky movements which can lead to injury.

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3. You hold your breath while lifting weights. Holding your breath puts undue stress on your heart and can lead to fainting by inhibiting blood flow. Exhale as the muscle contracts (pushing part of a push up/pulling part of a pull up).

4. Over training. Whether it's abs or legs don't perform the same exercises over and over again. For general fitness pick 2-3 different exercises per body part. Performing leg press/45 degree leg press/squats and leg extensions is overkill unless competing for Mr./Mrs. Olympia.

5. Not setting a goal. Think of it like this, imagine golfing and never shooting at the flag.

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6. Never challenge yourself. Most clients are amazed at their accomplishments during our first couple of sessions. They had no idea their bodies were capable of performing such movements. This has nothing to do with crazy motivational techniques or performance enhancing drugs. All I do is ask them to do it. Our bodies are an amazing machine and will surprise you all the time if you just ask it to. Stay with in your limits but always push those limits SAFELY!

7.You lean on the cardio machines as you exercise. I love watching people hug the bikes and stair steppers or my personal favorite, max out incline on a treadmill and hang on for dear life. Do you want to burn an additional 100-200 calories a workout$%: LET GO! Use your arms and hands only for balance when absolutely necessary. If you have to hang on your going to fast. Slow down and concentrate on form.

8. Hour long ab workouts. I could have dedicated all eight slots to this particular mistake. Perform 3 exercises of 15-25 slow controlled reps for 2-3 sets and that is all you have to do. Understand one thing right from the get go - you all have abs. Some just have better conditioned abs than others. Be sure and focus on burning the fat off those abs with supportive nutrition and muscle sparing cardio.

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The hardest part of any fitness program is starting one. Don't get discouraged if you identified with a few of the things listed above, simply take the necessary steps to avoid them from now on. Keep it simple with an eye on progress each and every time you hit the gym.

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